Understanding the Good Language Learner - What every teacher should know for scaffolding language learning in the classroom (EY) (SNA) (P) (PP)

Understanding the Good Language Learner - What every teacher should know for scaffolding language learning in the classroom
DATE: Monday, 8th April 2024
TIME: 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm
VENUE: Online Via Zoom
Target Audience: Early Years Educators, Special Needs Assistants, Primary and Post Primary Teachers
Language learning is a core component of the school curriculum in Ireland involving competence in at least two languages, however, varying levels of success in second language acquisition are an ongoing challenge for teachers and learners. Why are some learners more successful when acquiring a language while many others struggle. This workshop will discuss the factors that contribute to successful language learning in the education system and how understanding the good language learner can support language teaching and learning in the classroom. It will be relevant to support teachers in implementing an integrated language curriculum (Primary Language Curriculum 2019), Gaeilge and Modern Foreign Language pedagogies (Languages Connect, Junior Cycle, Senior Cycle and Higher Education). Practical and useful strategies and evidence-based pedagogical practices for language teaching will be explored that can be applied to scaffold language learning in engaging and meaningful ways.
Bio of presenter - Dr Karen Ní Chlochasaigh
Dr Karen Ní Chlochasaigh is an assistant professor in taught postgraduate studies and director of Irish-medium and Gaeltacht Education at MIC, Limerick. She is the coordinator of the MOid san Oideachas Lán-Ghaeilge agus Gaeltachta and the Master of Education research dissertation.
Karen’s work focusses on the factors that contribute to successful second language acquisition and how this evidence supports practice in building linguistic proficiency and awareness in the language acquisition process. Her practice in teacher education and professional development is aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Language(CEFR) principles that provides supports and a scaffold for cultivating teachers’ linguistic proficiency. Her work also focusses on inclusion in the language classroom adopting principles of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and technology enhanced language learning. She is interested in enhancing digital literacies through teacher professional development and utilising online digital learning tools in her practice to create rich and meaningful learning environments.
Course Properties
Course date | 08-04-2024 7:00 pm |
End Date | 08-04-2024 8:00 pm |
Capacity | 1000 |
Fee | Free |
Tutor - Speaker | Dr Karen Ní Chlochasaigh |
Select Hours | 1 |
Location | Online via Zoom |
Course Full