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Maths4All Integrating Maths Series (P)

Maths4All Integrating Maths Series (P)

Maths4All Integrating Maths Series

DATE:   Wednesdays - 24th January, 7th & 21st February 2024
TIME:    7pm to 8pm
ZOOM Meeting

Integration across subjects is a key feature of the primary curriculum framework. Integrating mathematics with other subjects offers students opportunities to connect mathematics to the real world, to see the relevance of mathematics, and to understand the world in a mathematical way. With the publication of the revised Primary Curriculum Framework, there is a renewed focus on the establishment of links between subject areas, and this Professional Learning Community will support teachers in integrating by presenting examples of integrated lessons and discussing how they were developed, and how they played out in classrooms.

The professional learning community will be facilitated by Mary Kearney and Aaron Carroll who have been working to implement these ideas in their own classrooms. A professional learning community involves teachers working together in a collaborative, interactive and ongoing way in order to improve teacher practice and outcomes for students. This professional learning community will involve 3 online meetings. Aaron and Mary will share their experiences and will encourage teachers to try out ideas in their own classrooms and discuss their successes and challenges in follow-up meetings. 

The first session will include presentations and “stories from the classroom” from Aaron, and Mary, with time for questions and discussion. We will invite attendees to consider how they might adopt some of our approaches in their classrooms and will allow time during the second and third sessions for teachers to discuss their experiences, highlighting both positive experiences and challenges that arose.

Facilitators - Mary Kearney & Aaron Carroll

Mary Kearney is an experienced primary school teacher who completed her MEd in Mathematics Education in DCU, focusing on mathematical understanding in the infant classroom. Her research looked at the potential in picture books to stimulate high quality mathematical discussion in the classroom, and thereby prompt children's mathematical thinking. Mary currently teaches 4th class in Newcastle N.S, County Galway, and is completing the Tóraíocht Post-Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership with NUI Maynooth. Mary has been contributing to Maths4all activities for a number of years, and has spoken at a number of webinars while also playing a key role in the Professional Learning Community on Integration.

Aaron Carroll currently teaches 6th class in Cratloe NS, Co Clare. He completed the M.Ed. in Mathematics Education in Mary I in 2019. Aaron's MEd research looked at the impact of engaging children in constructivist approaches to developing understanding in maths, and he has presented his findings at the Mathematics Education in Ireland Conference. Aaron has contributed to Maths4all activities over the past three years, including contributing to the Integration Professional Learning Community, developing lessons and additional content for the Maths4all website and speaking at webinars. Aaron is also involved with the Clare Education Centres Full Steam Ahead Group who produce the Full Steam Ahead Steamzine and host webinars for teachers with ideas for STEAM lessons.

Course Properties

Course date 21-02-2024 7:00 pm
End Date 21-02-2024 8:00 pm
Capacity 100
Fee Free
Select Hours 3
Location Online via Zoom

Course Full